Affordable Weight Loss Clinic: How we keep the cost so low

Affordable Weight Loss Clinic Price Shocker:

How IdealSize Keeps Treatment Affordable

… and Why Many Weight Loss Plans Can Cost You Over $1,000 per Month

Here’s the hidden truth behind some of the most hyped weight loss programs today:

They’re expensive!

Many people are unaware of the true costs associated with popular plans like Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, and Medifast. These programs often keep their pricing vague until you’ve already signed up, leaving you shocked when the bills start adding up.


In fact, a study conducted by the Global Health Institute at Duke University found that the average cost per pound on popular weight loss programs was roughly $123 per pound!
That’s a cost of nearly $4,000 just for a chance at losing 30 pounds!


A one-hour consultation with a registered dietitian typically costs $200, with weekly meetings recommended for best results.
That means upwards of $800 per month – just for consultations!


Other methods – including fat-freezing, red-light therapy and contouring med spas can run many thousands of dollars with very mixed results at best.
And for those looking to lose roughly 100 pounds, there are surgical weight loss options including gastric bypass, gastric banding or stomach stapling.
Expect to pay costs of $25,000 or much more depending on the procedure.

Weight Loss Costs Not Covered by Most Insurance Carriers

What makes these high costs – for what many times is questionable treatment – so frustrating is that in most cases, the expenses are all coming straight out of your pocket.

That’s because most insurance companies view weight loss efforts to be “elective” procedures, and that means their costs are typically not covered under most plans.

This places the burden of payment squarely on you.

With every dollar you spend directly impacting your own household budget, it’s critically important that you meet your weight loss goals in a cost-effective way.

Thanks to the recent FDA approval of a new class of weight-loss medications…that is not only possible – it’s easier and less expensive than most traditional options!

20% Loss of Body Weight
New Approved Medication a Game-Changer for Americans

With so many Americans struggling to achieve weight loss success, it’s clear that the existing programs and methods simply aren’t cutting it.

After all, 70% of Americans are currently overweight – with one-third of those being obese!

Something had to change – and thankfully, it has.

Last year, approval was granted for the first new class of weight-loss medications in over eight years.

This new medication has shown such great results that the New York Times and multiple TV networks have said this could be “the holy grail” of weight loss.

How impressive are the results?

The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine and university obesity researchers report a staggering 20% of body weight loss.

And on CBS This Morning, Gayle King said, “This drug could transform lives…I have a friend who is on it who lost 15 pounds in one week!”

So how does it work?

It’s a custom-blended prescription drug where the treatment is tailor-made for your specific needs. You take it once a week…and it helps you eat less while still getting your recommended daily nutrition.

Best of all…you feel great – and so does your wallet!

Interested in Losing Weight?

Take the first step toward a healthier, more confident you by starting your personalized weight loss journey with us today.

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